October 10, 2010

Blog Gonna Keep On Bloggin’

A wise man once said, “If you’re going to cut it, cut it close.”

This is about the closest I’ve cut it on my “daily post” idea since I started it. Seeing as it’s already the day of this posting. Still, I’m doing it! I mean, I teased Brer about writing a guest post, but I was going to get something up here, dammit!

Of course, I never promised it was going to be interesting.

Oftentimes, when I remember I need to write one of these, I sigh and wonder why I put such importance in it. I mean, I know some people read it, and that is super cool, but I doubt anyone would cry if I stopped posting. (And now it’s looking like I’m looking for people to tell me they enjoy this and blah blah… not what I’m wanting, really. Just being unable to think of another way to say what I’m wanting to say here.) It’s not a job or something like that. Having a website is something I am paying money to have. It’s something I’m doing for me on some level. But what if what I want to do is play a game? Or sit on my ass? Why do I make myself write?

Whenever I feel that panic that I haven’t written something and it’s getting late, I know why I do this.

I am damn, damn proud that something goes up on this site every day, even if it’s mostly useless ramblings and very biased game impressions. I think it’s fantastic that I am generating so much text. Am I proud of all of it? Not all of it. I find typos sometimes days later, and I’m not golden every day, or most days, even. Am I proud that I haven’t missed a day in years? That’s right, multiple years? You better believe it. This has been the most successful project I’ve ever undertaken, and I think that’s neat.

Am I going to let the fact that I’m busy as fuck stop this blog? Nope. You’ll get bullshit every day. Come back tomorrow! I’ll tell you about Resident Evil 5.

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