July 14, 2010

Son of Albino Deer Returns

I saw the baby albino deer driving home monday night.

I guess that’s kind of a big deal? Everyone around here talks like this deer is a huge deal. Especially since the all-grown-up one disappeared, probably to too horrible to think about circumstances. It’s nice to know that life goes on. And has genetic mutations that render fur white.

Granted, it probably isn’t the son of the Albino deer, but probably another deer from the Mom who had the first deer in the first place. But it’s cool, right? Something like that? It’s certainly something I know I will be talking about with my parents for a few days.

And that makes me wonder. Because I don’t really have much else to talk to them about. This is the kind of news they want to hear about. Not about anything I’m actually working on, interested in, or doing. It’s mostly just stuff like that. Stuff that’s completely safe in every way. Stuff that leaves me being a blank slate.

Okay, that’s kind of a harsh way to put it.

But to them, that will probably be my biggest news for awhile. And so now it’s my bloeg news for today. Sorry about that.

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