July 6, 2010

Co-Ops Is Co-tastic.

On the fourth of July, I had twittered that I really wanted to try some Co-Ops in Peace Walker. It seemed like a really good time. Well, Lobst and Phenwah heard my cry, and we ended up giving it a try, thanks to the magic of Adhoc Party.

It was great!

First off, I’m just totally, completely impressed with Adhoc Party. It works really well. Basically, this is tunneling software that lets you play local-only PSP games online by pushing the signal through your PS3. With that and a Skype headset, it was like we were right there. There was no lag or anything. It was fantastic.

What’s more, Peace Walker is a ton of fun in Co-Ops mode. We played the boss I was currently on, and an annoying fight was turned into an incredibly enjoyable run thanks to the co-op. The game is obviously designed for it, to some extent, and it really works well. We were reviving each other, drawing fire, working together. It was neat. The only problem was the limited number of 4-player missions. Most missions are only 2 players, and we had 3. We exhausted our options pretty quickly because of it. We even ended up playing the Deathmatch mode, just for the hell of it. It’s functional, but not really thrilling. Still, it works, if you really want to get your deathmatch on.

I have a lot more to say about Peace Walker, and I will in the future, after I play through more of it. But seriously, Adhoc Party and Co-Ops is the shit. If you have a friend you can con into getting Peace Walker with you, do that. Do that so hard.

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