July 3, 2010

Knee Deep in this Puzzle Shit: They Stole Max’s Brain!

I continue to be nothing but impressed with Season 3 of Sam and Max. Telltale was really dedicated to making every single chapter feel completely different, and they are succeeding in that. The mechanisms they use to do that are of varying quality, but each episode seems like it’s own thing, and it’s wonderful.

For example, during certain parts of this episode, I had constant conversation options of “Noir,” where Sam would go on Noir-ish rants, and “Nonsequitor,” where Max would just say all kinds of stupid things. It was wonderful. These were very entertaining options. The “beat up people for information” Noir sequence was also a nice change of pace, if not completely fleshed out. It was fun, and funny, but not perfect.

They do manage to be pretty tricky in re-using assets in a way that seems like they aren’t. I didn’t really see it until after I finished the episode, but they sneakily used a lot of the assets from Sammun-Mak in the last part of the episode. Intelligent on their part. Of course, I expect nothing less of them.

In any case, I don’t really know what else to say about this episode. It was solid all the way through, though perhaps more traditional than the last one in it’s puzzle structure. I don’t know what to think about the weird last-minute “Uh-Oh! See you next episode!” twist. It seems kind of lame. But I’m giving Telltale the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure it’ll be quite entertaining. They always are.

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