April 8, 2010

I had no idea that bullet time was actually “Gangsta Fire Mode.”

50 Cent: Bitch Stole My Skull is a great game.

Okay, let me explain.

50 Cent: Get on that gun, 50! is a blast to play. It’s ridiculous, and it actually plays well, unlike another “bad” game I’ve been playing recently *cough*DEADLY PREMONITION*cough*

Seriously, this game is 50 Cent, writing fanfiction about himself. Every person knows who he is, and loves his music. He has enough money to hire personal armies. He gets shot directly and gets back up and fights another damn helicopter. He is deadly accurate with amazing numbers of guns. Every inch of this game just oozes “50 Cent wrote this game about himself, so him and his friends can play as themselves and shoot dudes.” And it makes it so fun. The voice acting, the plot, all of it is completely and utterly silly, and you can savor every moment of it.

You’ll savor it too, and not suffer for it, because the gameplay is actually pretty good. It’s a really competent 3rd Person shooter, which passable cover mechanics, a good variety of guns, and plenty of combat. In what might be the most “game-y” mechanic in a game I’ve played for a long while, the fact that the game is constantly popping up challenges of enemies to kill in a set time, and encourages you to get kill streaks and kill combos really makes the game much more engaging. It becomes much more fast-paced, and adds that additional element the game needs to keep you entertained.

The biggest strength and weakness this game has is co-op. As I’m sure you’re aware, co-op can take an “eh” game and make it fantastic, and co-op in this game does just that. It is so much fun. However, the lack of split-screen co-op is a huge, huge oversight. Online co-op is fine, and should be there, but this game NEEDS to be able to be played with someone else on the couch. At the same time, I’ll say that, wanting co-op so bad, I bought two copies of this game, and only paid $30 total. I feel like I still got my money’s worth, but I was shocked and displeased that single-machine co-op wasn’t in the game.

That’s seriously it’s biggest flaw, though. I’m sure all the music and fanservice is fun if I even vaguely knew who 50 Cent was. I thought it really accented the stupid crazy fanfiction feel of the game, so I really enjoyed it, but it’s not really my style. The gameplay is great, and the story is so ridiculous, it’s a lot of fun. You will enjoy 50 Cent: Blood Split Upon Many Grains of Sand if you play it. It’s not full price fun, but this is pretty well the pinnacle of excellent budget game. Get it from a bargain bin, shoot some bitches, and get your jewel-encrusted skull back, mother-fucker.

And seriously, if all that hasn’t convinced you, there is a button solely there to make 50 Cent say 50.

Play the game.

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