March 27, 2010

Burfdaye Aftermath

After I have an experience such as a birthday, which I have recently had this Wednesday, I tend to record my haul, partially because I am excited about it, and partially so I can say thank you for awesome in a public setting. I don’t know why this year would be any different, although I’ve been so busy it’s taken me a few days to write it up, as you can tell. So, without further ado, here’s my lovely haul for this year’s birthday!

Jonathan got me a Pokewalker! Uh, I mean, Pokemon Soul Silver. I’m much more excited about the Pokewalker. Can you tell? I’m probably going to write a review of just the Pokewalker soon! But no, this was exactly what I was wanting. It was kind of frustrating hearing everyone talk about it, but knowing I should hold off until my birthday for just this reason. I’ve got eggs from Spants so I have the exact Pokemin I want, and I’m rocking that Pokewalker all day. It’s great.

Shauna got me something… IN THE FUTURE. Apparently there’s a new Dominion expansion, called Alchemy, which is coming out in the next month. She has preordered this for me. This is awesome. I didn’t even know it existed until a bit ago, and now I am going to have it delivered to me. Dominion is still a fucking amazing card game, and I’m not tired of it yet. Bring on more expansions, I say!

Speaking of things in the future, my friends apparently ordered me something that I’ll be getting IN THE FUTURE as well. They did not tell me what it was in a crazy singing Pokemon card like Shauna did, though. Still, they have good taste. I’m sure it’ll be neat.

The parents hooked me up with both current Race for the Galaxy expansions, which I’m sure I will talk about my first time playtesting in a later blog. Short version: they’re pretty awesome. But my mom really had to jump through some hoops and bribe people to order things she knew nothing about it get me these, so I appreciate that. She also got me a copy of FFXIII on the Xbox 360. (Yeah, yeah, it’s supposedly the shittier version, but seriously, I don’t give a crap about visual fidelity. I’d rather have my achievements and useful friends list.) I have no idea when I am going to play the damn thing, but I am excited about doing it. FFXIII has really gotten me excited with its linear nature. I’m unsure I’ll enjoy the hand-holding tutorialness most of the way through, but we’ll see. I want to try.

And, of course, the parents and grandparents were nice enough to supply me with cold-hard cash. Enough that I could pay off my pretty new TV and my new lappy, respectively, which is very much appreciated. Since, you know, I use those all the damn time. Heh.

Oh! I was just going over the party at my house! I can’t forget people who gave me presents outside this setting. For example, Kale got me this completely awesome shirt a few weeks early for the birthday times. It’s awesome. I’ve been complimented about it quite a bit. Brer got me Kate Beaton’s Never Learn Anything From History book, which is sweet, due to the fact that Kate Beaton is fucking awesome.

Thanks to everyone who celebrated my birthday. I swear I got more birthday wishes and recognition for not dying for another year than I ever had before. Even my psychologist sang me happy birthday. It’s… great to be so loved. So fucking great. Thank you.

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