April 3, 2008


FUCK YES! I AM FINALLY OUT OF MY FUCKING SYMPATHY HARDCORE RUN! Man, that was… man. I’m so happy. Here’s how it went. 41 days! And the worst part is, like I decided I wanted to do things in the mall in the middle of it, before my birthday. Gaaaaaah… well, at least I Hardcore Permed Sympathy, like I said. That is never going to be useless. But man, no more pathed Hardcore runs for me… my next Hardcore run is going to be no path, I swear… and is not going to be for awhile. Normal FTW, mann. I am so not optimal or hardcore.
But yeah, so me getting out of it meant I finally got to splurge on those Mr. Familiars I wanted! So I did! I’m now the proud owner of Garland the Ancient Yuletide Troll and Richard Aldente, the Penguin Goodfella. I’m not sure on my penguin’s name, (let me know if you have a better one) but I quite like the one for my troll. As per plans I think I previously outlined here, I’m going to do an almost 100% Penguin Goodfella with “gentleman’s” magazine run this time around, and then next one is probably going to be back to the good ol’ Mayflower Bouquet with the Troll… probably a Seal Clubber run, too, I think, to try out the Origami Riding Crop. (By the way, if you don’t get why the crop is good (Okay, okay, just when compared to normal items and not other Mr. Store items, where it might be kinda lacking, but I don’t have those Mr. Store items nor would pay the high prices for them) notice that it has no requirements to equip is and probably a good 70 or more power over anything you can equip out of the gate, plus the added Sleaze Damage. The real benefit is the chat effect, Innuendo Shopping, though.) Yeah, might go normal teetotaller, too, and get Pulverize… or if not, one of their great passive buffs, like Hide of the Walrus… but that’s in the future.
For this run, I’m going with Advanced Saucecrafting and seeing what all the fuss is about with those buff potions and such. I’m also experimenting, for the first time, with +Monster Level stuff. I figure I can do this because the Penguin (which, when I have a good supply of hit contracts, delevels every fight for a good amount. This was apparently considered a nerf when it came out, but I found myself annoyed that he wasn’t deleveling sometimes when he gave me a contract, since I’d have to use the contract to survive at that point. I don’t think I’d like him as much constantly giving out contracts… then again, I KNEW what it did before I picked it up, whereas those calling it a nerf was using it in its previous form before where it gave out contracts like candy, so…) should keep it in check. I tried maxing it from the beginning, but that went bad… (Luckily, I had summoned a Personal Massager) so I’ve had the Mind Control Device to around 5 or 6 this first day and it seemed to work pretty good. Supposedly I was getting more stats, too, though I don’t pay enough attention. We’ll see what happens when he gets up to full weight, if I can put it to 11 with no ill effects… by that time I should be spellslinging anyway, so missing with melee attacks won’t matter much.
Another thing I wanted to point out is, as I was playing with the Hatrack, I kept wishing I could find a good Potato/Ghuol Whelp hybrid, and I just realized that the two Mr. Store familiar equipments I have let me give either Whelp or Potato capabilities to any familiar. (granted, the Bouquet does a lot more and is thus probably better in general, but, you know, it’s not part of a set of five different things you can switch between) I have good taste in Mr. Store equipment, is what I’m saying. I know what’s going to make the game more fun for me. Heh.
Oh, I also find I have over 2 million in liquid meat. That’s a custom title or half a Mr. Accessory. That’s exciting! Maybe in another year of play I’ll have enough for a free one. Heh.

In Twilight Heroes news, I guess I’m grinding for chips again. Heh. I’m out of merit badges I want to work for. (I’m just going to buy the baseball bats for Joltin’ Joe Sombrero because, I dunno, it sounds extra boring and I’m not working towards hitting level 50 that way like I was in the other zones with sort of relevant enemies) So, you know, I guess I work towards having enough silver stars to get a free IoTM sometime. At least I have significantly better farming equipment than last time I tried.
I do want to know what the hell the Amazing Technicolor Dreampants do. Because, I mean, come on. They’re Rainbow DREAMPANTS. They supposedly do random things in battle… healings… damages… I don’t know. If they’ll be entertaining to me, I’d get them, but I’ve not gotten a clear indicator as to what they do. We’ll see, I suppose.

And I guess that’s it, for now. I’ve been really tired and that’s been making me moody, but I have done my best to persevere! Also, in writing this post, Ecks has already given me half of a MUCH better Penguin name, so that’s awesome. Yay!

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