March 11, 2011

If you cut off my internet, I will murder you: A Post of Frustration

I get this kind of rage any time something frustrates me, but there is nothing that frustrates me more than my tech not working. I guess I should explain. I was having some very nice conversations with my boyfriend, with Cris, with Ecks, and I was trying to write a blog, because hey, I haven’t […]

March 10, 2011

Why are some so obvious, and some so hidden?

I just finished a book called Riding the Trail of Tears. It was a fairly enjoyable experience! It also has passages like this one. BILLIONS?? But okay, so out of context, that passage seems really, really silly, at the very least. That’s kind of why I took the picture. But if I had to pick […]

March 9, 2011

Nier is a pretty well-designed protagonist.

I finally started playing Nier again, and as I continued, I basically fell completely in love with it. It’s creative, heartfelt, and weird. I love it. But I’ll talk about that more once I finish it. What I want to talk about today is Nier’s main character. I believe his offical name is, oddly enough, […]

March 8, 2011

I Can See.

I’ve been wearing glasses for a few days, I suppose. How as that been going? Pretty well? I mean, there is no doubt that I needed these. From the moment I started wearing them, I was kind of blown away by how much clearer my vision was. I left to pick up my glasses, taking […]

March 7, 2011

I’m Not Buying Pokemon White or Black.

Pokemon is out and everyone is excited about their Pokemons and things of that nature, which is cool. I can’t do it anymore. I have so many fond memories of Pokemon. I remember seeing it in Nintendo Power, and being so incredibly excited for its release. I remember playing Red for hours and hours on […]

March 6, 2011

Great Moments In Bad Game Design: Army of Two: The 40th Day Edition

There are plenty of questionable design decisions in Army of Two: The 40th Day. The controls, for example, are absolutely perplexing, and do nothing but frustrate. You can’t switch weapons when close to your teammate, for example, because the same button that switches weapons starts a game of Rock Paper Scissors, which is obviously more […]

March 5, 2011

1000th Bloeg.

This is my 1000th Bloeg since I moved to this new server and such. Holy fuck. I just had to say that. I mean, seriously, 1000 posts. If I were to take the time to look backwards, over what I have written, shit, I have books upon books of completely useless ramblings about video games […]

March 4, 2011

Here Are The Mafia Rules You Didn’t Request.

Mafia started again, and I’m playing again! This put my mind squarely in Mafia territory, and I found myself working on a set of Mafia rules while I went about and did my thing this evening. Here’s an attempt to get them down in a first draft. When/If I actually present it, I am going […]

March 3, 2011

Yes, My Monk Looks Like Krillin. Is There A Problem?

Sure, Tiny Wings is all well and good, but the game I’ve seriously been putting a long time into on my iPod is Battleheart. This is a game you have to buy. Battleheart is a strange mix of brawler and RTS that works perfectly on the iPod. You build a party of 4 different characters, […]

March 2, 2011

I Must Admit, They Are Pretty Tiny.

The carpet in the upstairs is being replaced! That means you get reviews of iPhone games! That makes sense right? I think so? Something like that. Anyway, the game that is currently ALL THE RAGE is Tiny Wings, and because I am perfectly weak to cute, as much as anyone else, I did pick it […]