December 11, 2009

I guess this is where I’d type some sort of bad joke using the word “Fantastic.”

There are very few movies that I wait for with incredible excitement. I’m pretty completely in the video game camp now. I only ever see movies when Essner invites me. That’s always enjoyable, but, you know, I rarely have a movie that I desperately need to see. Fantastic Mr. Fox was that movie. I’ve had […]

December 10, 2009

I know there was a carriage ride involved.

Oh, by the way, my brother got engaged to his girlfriend last Friday. I said that last time, but it deserves it’s own post that isn’t full of anger at other things. Congratulations, Jonathan! Hope everything works out for you two like you hope. You both certainly seem happy together. But yeah, seriously, my little […]

December 9, 2009

This bullshit has gone beyond what is acceptable.

I got up Tuesday morning, and got ready to get to the office and work, etc. When I come downstairs, I learn that, Monday night while I was working, my crazy neighbor apparently threatened to shoot my brother. Lovely. It was bad enough when he was threatening non-existent “kids” who were doing non-real acts of […]

December 8, 2009

I don’t claim to know exactly what they’re bordering, though.

Through Kale’s way-too-niceness, I have had a copy of Borderlands on the PC for awhile now. Sunday, instead of doing my homework, for instance, I played Borderlands for like four hours. This has been happening for awhile! The reason is because the game is fantastic. Now, this isn’t fantastic like, I dunno, Red Faction: Guerrilla […]

December 7, 2009

It’s not actually a quiz about TV, just to clarify.

While walking through Best Buy before the giving of the thanks, I was going through the PS3 aisle. See, I was sure there were more PS3 games I should pick up, now that I had one. It was there that I passed a big box labelled Buzz! Quiz TV!. I knew this was the old […]

December 6, 2009


I have so much shit to do, oh god. I mean, I guess it’s to be expected. One week of school left, you know? But man, I have papers, journals to finish, papers to grade this time around, an entire book to read… it’s… crazee! But I can do it. At some point I became […]

December 5, 2009

I don’t guess I talked about how obtuse the systems are, but that’s true, too.

Some people just want a hardcore experience. Some people just pine for a time when you had to play sections of game over and over again in order to memorize and master concepts. They just get off on that feeling of mastery, that feeling of doing something perfectly and knowing that they are basically the […]

December 4, 2009

Songs What Be Stuck In My Head: Fireflies

I’ve been wanting something new to listen to musically because… I dunno. I’ve been listening to the Presidents of the United States of America literally all semester. It was time for a little change. I was trying some Oasis, but it wasn’t working. I mentioned to my brother that I was looking for something new, […]

December 3, 2009


Chrissymas Holiday Shopping Update! Mom: No Check Dad: Check Jonathan: Check Grandma: No Check Grandpa: Check Shauna: (Forgot to put her on the other list, durrrrrrr) Check Brer: Checked and Delivered! Kale: Check Essner: Check Spants: Planned, but currently unchecked. Cris: Still no clue how to approach that one. As you noticed, I got shit […]

December 2, 2009

He’s not just famous, he’s in famous.

I am now someone who owns a PS3, and so there is now a wealth of old PS3 exclusives for me to go back and play! So I put a bunch of them up on my Gamefly, and the first one to come in was inFamous, Sucker Punch’s super hero open world game. Note the […]