December 29, 2015

Here Are Games I Liked in 2015

I played some video games this year, and they were very good! Maybe give some of these a try, if you didn’t? Here are some, badly ranked from 10 to 1. 10. The Niflheim : I finally gave in and downloaded this phone Visual Novel and gave it a try. It’s very silly in its […]

December 1, 2015

A Reverse Correlation

I’ve been thinking about doing a No Mercy run. When I was younger, I would write a lot of self-insert Mary Sue kinda stories. I don’t think that’s particularly weird? I’m sure all writers start there. All characters are your weird little children born of bits and pieces of you. But I can remember, in […]

October 31, 2015

Horror Game Curse Roundup!

Hello! Sorry I haven’t written in awhile, blog. I’ve been writing other things. Novels and such. I’ve also been writing Horror Game Essays for On the Stick! You remember how I’ve always done that, right? This year was no exception! Anyway, I just wanted to put them all here, to have them all in one […]

March 24, 2015

Some Honesty About My Issues

Hi. This is hard to write, and a part of me doesn’t want to. I spend a lot of effort on the illusion that everything is okay, and that I am happy, and when I pull that mask off, I tend to fall apart in spectacular ways. It’s scary, to be honest. But all this […]

February 25, 2015

Those Who Came Before: Transistor and Community

In a lot of ways, games are power fantasies. Okay, okay, not all games, but many of them hinge on that sort of power trip. It’s you, the player, who are the center, who the world revolves around. It’s you, by your own power, who solves the problem and saves the day. There’s a real […]

February 14, 2015

The Showroom: Relationships and Robotics

Happy Valentine’s Day! Perhaps you’d like a book about romances and relationships. It’s been a long time coming. There were a lot of setbacks, mostly emotional, but it’s done, and here it is. Welcome to The Showroom. The Showroom was my first long-length writing project. It started from nothing. I was trying to write something […]

January 2, 2015

Here Are The Books I Read In 2014

Hey, here again are the books I read last year, along with some short descriptions of what I thought. If you are one to think I have even a vague good taste, maybe this’ll be good to look at? WHO KNOWS. Anyway, 31 books in a year! I guess that’s a thing I did! Whee! […]