July 12, 2009

I only wish I could have heard some of the musical numbers.

I slept like shit Friday Night! And I had this dream!

I was back in high school at Notre Dame, only we seemed to be in the gym of my grade school. We were trying to put together the yearly musical, only for whatever reason, nobody had gotten a head start on it. It was like… one week until showtime and absolutely nothing was done. No sets. No rehearsals. No music. No lights. Nothing.

Essner was the director. Why? Hell if I know. He was very stressed out. The musical we were putting on was apparently a musical version of Terminator: Salvation, starring none other than Justin Spaeth. I kept trying to calm him down. “We don’t need complicated sets, right? Just a couple of flats up with a wasteland locale, we can use that for most scenes…”

Eventually, after a dispute where we were trying to get Spaeth to be the sound guy, too, but he refused to be the sound guy from backstage and wanted to be in the booth? But he obviously couldn’t star and be up in the booth… so Essner said fuck it, and we retired to a restaurant, I think it was Logans.
Essner, Bradley Bo, Ben, and I were eating together. Ben and Brad had bought necklaces at some sort of quarter dispenser, only they looked like necklaces we sell at Kohl’s. And we talked about the necklaces for awhile, and I think I eventually stole one.

Then I think the musical was canceled.

Yep. That’s the kind of shit I dream about.

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