April 6, 2013

The Ceiling: A Game Thing I Made

I heard about a game jam going on today. I think it used to be called the Gayme jam, but now it’s like the QUILT Jam or something? Anyway, I had an idea to participate, but I have an awesome wedding to go to today (Congrats, Brad, by the way!). So I decided to make it yesterday. It all came together, and now it’s done, and then I realized it didn’t really fit the jam’s theme anyway.

But I made something. And that’s significant. I dunno, I don’t make things enough anymore. I’m proud of it, in my dumb little way.

The game is here. It’s called The Ceiling. It’s not a platformer where a ceiling is separated from its walls and must jump through 10 stages in order to get them back, though that would have been cool. It’s kinda personal, but that’s the point. I hope you enjoy it, or at least get something out of it, if you try to play it. And please, let me know what you think if you do.


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