May 20, 2012
A Reunion Of People Who Once Went To School In The Same Building
Again, sorry about yesterday. I just suddenly felt utterly and completely drained. I guess the reunion drained me more than I thought it would.
Anyway, here’s how that went.
We went to a reunion and it was alright and then we went home.
No, wait.
I was not some ridiculed whatever the fuck. I didn’t expect it, but I dunno, so many years of my mother banging that into my head makes me worried deep inside when I do this stuff. Everybody was nice to me, most tried to call me Alexis, though everyone used the wrong pronouns, which was annoying but, I suppose, understandable seeing as this was sort of the first time they’ve been around me for quite some time. I mostly just talked to Bradley Bo, who is still completely awesome, and who is apparently all getting married and stuff, which is sweet for him. He was fun to hang out with again. It’s always nice to see him.
Part of the whole reunion was a mass, which was probably the first mass I’ve been to since, uh, I graduated high school, probably. I was worried I wouldn’t remember all the little rituals. I did, but many of them had changed. There’s so many little changes in wording that make basically no sense to me. Like, they don’t sound better, and they just seem more complicated or less straightforward than what it was before. It’s not a big deal, or anything, but I just wondered why change it to THAT, if you’re going to change it, you know? It’s strange.
We walked around Notre Dame. My old locker combination no longer works, but the fume hood I had a part in cracking my first year there is still totally cracked, even with all the renovations they were touting. I also got to use the women’s bathroom in my old school, which was weirder to me than I expected it to be. Really, though, the whole tour was kind of a big sales pitch to try to get us to give the school money. I loved that school, but, uh, no. No, I’m not going to donate. Sorry, school. Got way better things to pay for than giving money to you. Though CJ was all like “they’re calling you and your teaching out, you should work there!” after I mentioned I was teaching and got gestured towards during a speech, and if they want to hire me, even with me being a sinful transsexual polygamist, then, you know, fuck yeah. I would love to teach some writing or lit courses there. But they probably don’t want me, so.
After that, we went to this winery out in Jackson. Steele Crest Winery, I think? It was kind of stupid. We all came for this thing, and there were tables that said “Reserved,” so, you know, we’re a private party at this place, so we sat down. But nope, it wasn’t for us. There were like two other groups there. Place was damn crowded for no reason. It was kind of silly. Everyone was off in their little groups, so I mostly just talked to Brad, and that was fine. I also tried some of their wine, and fuck, I had the first wine I ever liked the taste of. It was this raspberry wine that was sweet, but the raspberry flavor was strong enough that it kicked BACK in after that wine taste. It was pretty awesome. I bought a bottle to share with Jonathan and Shauna and such next time I have them over for dinner. CJ also got some wines that he liked, one of which was a sweet cherry that was okay, but I wasn’t thrilled about. I haven’t tried the other, but I guess it’s okay? We’ll see what I think.
I’m glad I went. I don’t have to feel like I ran away. Overall, though, it was as lame as predicted. It was a passable time, but not a great time. I survived and made it back. Here I am.
Raspberry Winneeeee.
Really glad you had a good time!
Comment by Kale — May 20, 2012 @ 7:45 pm