May 13, 2012
Obligatory Mother’s Day Post
Hi, Mom. Time for me to write a letter to you on a blog that, as per usual, you probably won’t see. It only happens like twice a year. That’s okay, right?
My psychologist said, jokingly, that I was clearly put on this earth to expand your worldview, what with me being so out there in so many ways. I admit my life has gotten… non-standard. It’s all in ways that I am so goddamn happy about, but non-standard, certainly, is a word that could describe it. And you’ve had your issues with it. Who wouldn’t, I suppose.
But in the end, you’re in my court. You’ve come around. You support me in all my crazy endeavors. I mean, I’m baking and cooking you shit for Mother’s day, and I hope you enjoy the crap out of it. It makes me really happy to be able to do that. And I’m helping you with tech stuff, so much stuff, all the time. I’m there for you too. But not in the same way, you know? You always have my back, and you’ll always make sure I can get up from whatever disaster befalls me. You’ll always make sure I have time to do the fun things in life. I can’t ask for anything better than that. I really can’t.
Hey Mom! Thanks. Seriously. Happy Mother’s Day.