April 24, 2012
Background Character Continuity in Ponies: A Really Stupid Rant.
Here’s a thing that I point out like every single time I watch ponyshow and is really so stupid and says a lot about my level of obsession. But eh, I’m going to get it out anyway.
Why can’t they keep their background ponies straight?
In the most recent episode, you had Lyra and Colgate as bridesmaids for the evil clone of Princess Cadance.
Lyra and Colgate live in Ponyville. Like, full time. Why would they be involved with Cadance in any way? Why would they be chosen for that? I asked these questions because they bother me in the stupidest way possible.
This really happens all the time. They have background ponies they just throw into shots, in locations that aren’t Ponyville, and I just have to wonder why the hell they’re there. It just doesn’t make any sense for all of Ponyville to follow the Mane 6 about on their adventures. Berry Punch, Golden Harvest… why does Pinkie Pie imagine them as floozies specifically in her little story in MMMMystery on the Friendship Express? I just want to know why!
I guess it’s me being too english-major-y and whatnot to expect their to be reasons behind this. But it just seems like it’s incredibly easy to make a “new pony.” You just pick some colors and draw a random cutie mark. We’ve seen cutie marks so ridiculous that you could really draw about anything, and then it’s a new nameless background pony. Why not do that when the cast is in Canterlot, and leave the Ponyville background regulars to Ponyville, you know?
It takes me out of the show. About cartoon ponies learning lessons about friendship. So, you know. Fix that, Hasbro.
(I am so lame.)