April 18, 2012
Rapid Fire Ramblings: A Dumb Apology, O’Charley’s, Starting Kicks, Uncomfortable Positions
Sorry about the lack of posts with a lot of specific meat on them lately. I’ve been all over the place mentally and physically, as I said yesterday. Still, content! Rolling right along with the content.
Tonight, CJ and I went to O’Charley’s. This restaurant has been in Cape like forever. I think I went once and got a burger and was like “eh” and then I never went back? But we went a tried it.
Man, I felt like a fool.
We had a great fucking meal! Well, at least I did. CJ said his fish was pretty solid, but I had this “New York Pizza Pasta”? It was like a really fantastic pasta with a spicy red sauce, lots of peppers, and Italian sausage and pepperoni. It was AMAZING. A really fantastic meal! We had an appetizer of these chips dipped in queso that was pretty great too! I was really impressed. Why was I not going to this place? I do not know. I mean, you know, it’s a chain restaurant, but we got food that was pretty well better than, say, Applebee’s, at Applebee’s prices. I can get behind that.
I guess Kickstarter continues to be a thing? I just backed a third one, for a lot of money. (I got on the bandwagon and got one of those Pebble watches. I always wanted something like that because I am a lame nerd. So.) It’s just weird to me how all of the sudden Kickstarter is just… a thing. It’s what you do. It’s also something I’m 100% comfortable with, although at this point I have kind of spent a bunch of money on it and seen no return on my investment. But recently I learned that the lovely Cards Against Humanity was a Kickstarter thing? So clearly this is generally for the forces of good, right? Probably? I dunno. I need to stop kicking money at things… well, until something cool comes along, I guess. Then I’ll do it again. And again. I guess. You know. Giving up cash for vague promises of future products! Awwwwwwwww yeh.
Have I said this before? I’m going to say it again. You know, when you’re online in a chat, or writing a story, or something like that, it’s so easy to describe positions being comfortable. “Sure, yeah,” you say, “two normal people could snuggle up together like that, and it wouldn’t be awkward or uncomfortable at all.” And then you try to bring some of that stuff into reality, trying to lay on a couch or in bed watching a thing all snuggled, or even curled up and leaning against someone else on a couch, and suddenly even the stupidest simple position is like fucking impossible to get comfortable in. I blame the extra arm. There’s always an extra arm that, if it wasn’t there, the position would be comfortable! But instead, someone has their arm pinned somewhere awkward. It sucks. Being close shouldn’t be so hard! No fair, reality.