April 6, 2009

The map is donut-shaped, like the city. Please don’t eat the map.

A new DnD campaign has begun!
And gods, I sucked at it. But more on that later.

It was pretty obvious early on we were in for a kind of odd new campaign. For one, we don’t have a tank. Our four person party has an Avenger (damage-dealer), a Druid (Controller, debuffer-style as opposed to AoE style like the Wizard), a Bard (a healer, but Kevin focused more on debuffs and controller-style moves, so…), and me, a Shaman (specced out almost full healer, with a bit of a buffing undercurrent, since one or two of the buffs were so cool I couldn’t pass them up). It’s not a normal party! Spaeth’s Lord Captain Allouishous is the only melee attacker, and he’s almost always going to focus completely on his “I hate you” target. Although I suppose Shauna’s Druid was focusing a lot on Beast form and getting up in the grill of enemies as well. It’s certainly different from the few other combinations I’ve played.
It’s also not going to be a normal campaign when Justin Spaeth is being the voice of reason and logically progressing things. Kevin and I were running the two “leader” characters but we just kept up (totally fun) bickering the whole time. I was attempting to play my character a bit, actually. She’s a multiclass Cleric, and I figured that if she was going to worship a god, as someone who is so in tune with nature and spirits and such, she was probably going to be pretty fairly dedicated to that god. So since she’s a follower of Sehenine, I was really pushing the “Blaze your own path, see new things, don’t commit” that Sehenine teaches. I did things that seemed neat. I talked to people who weren’t there. I argued that we should be going in random portals instead of actually finding our way places. Meanwhile, Kevin was being a Gnomish ladies man, and fighting hard for his right to follow every female we met and hit on them.
So while this fun stuff was going on (and it was fun, I hope, for everyone. I assume it was. We do this shit all the time when we play) someone had to step up and take the lead. I assumed it would be Shauna, because she actually gets into the roleplaying part more than you might think a girlfriend pushed into it by her boyfriend would. But no, it was Justin Spaeth, the most ridiculous person I know (and I love him for it!), who stepped up and made it happen. Intense.
The plot itself makes me happy for one simple reason. It seems to take place in the multiverse of the DnD world. This is super cool, because it means Jonathan is using the Manual of the Planes I got him for his birthday. Score! Useful gift! Bam!

We only got to one combat, and Jonathan was feeling out the power level of 11th level characters, so it wasn’t perfect, but it was fun. Spaeth’s Avenger seemed almost broken, but I think that something as simple as a Fighter class monster who can mark him will probably shut him down. Shauna had a lot of fun pouncing people and making them grant combat advantage. Kevin did a whole bunch of weird things.
Me? I rolled like shit.
Seriously, of my first… oh… 6 rolls? Nothing was above a 5. I rolled a 1 for initiative, I critical missed my first attack, I rolled a 2 on the second… oh, it was tons of fun! I think I hit maybe two times. No, three. I hit three times in the long single combat we played. Yep.
That’s not to say I didn’t see what Alena Brighttail could do, and liked it. Cause I did! My Healing Spirit combined with my Spirit Boon of my Paragon path is kind of godly for healing, and I love it. Basically, I have one target spend a healing surge. Then, everyone who is not the target who is next to Keiko, my Spirit Companion (or any conjuration I have made) gains 3d6 + 5 HP. The first time I got that off and it became clear how much healing potential I have, I was ecstatic. I also have my Protecting Strike, which can grant all kinds of temporary HP. I also like moving Keiko around the map, setting her up for Opportunity Attacks that will never happen but I can pretend they will happen.

All in all, it went pretty well, I think. It’s unfortunate we didn’t have more time, but thanks to my 6 AM shift, we couldn’t really push it much longer. Hopefully it’s not too too long until we can play the next chapter. I look forward to, perhaps, actually HITTING with some of my neat abilities next time.

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