November 17, 2011

Poetry Scribble: Invisibility Poetry!

I guess I am following a certain kitten’s advice and making this an every Thursday thing now? In any case, here’s a prose poem.

The Power of Invisibility

One minute you are seen by those who hate you and the next you are hidden from those who love you. Hugs and bullet kisses fly through the air, trying to encircle you, capture you, and you are missed by all of them. You sit there as you shiver and shake, ass on hard, cold concrete, always wondering whether it will wear off, if you will be found out, if your last resort has finally failed you. Good intentions stumble with arms out, feeling the air, calling your name. They know you hide, but they cannot fathom why anyone would hide from such perfection, such love, such excellence, such help. Yes, help, the aid you so desperately need, that you keep yourself from being administered. A shot in the ass that will protect you but sting for a long time to come, and you like sitting, even here, on the unforgiving concrete, the concrete that refuses forgiveness as well as does not give it, and you attempt to do the same, but cannot. The aid weeps and cries. You try not to let your personal sobs be too audible, compressing them down with desperate hands. Eyelids drop shut, and for a moment, the world itself is as you, gone, unavailable, but when you open your eyes, it is there, and you are not. It spins by at such a rate that you feel your stomach become a faucet, the world’s rotation at just the right movement to turn its knobs, and your illness becomes apparent. Gravel digs into your palms as you try to steady yourself, sharp edges rubbing against lines of fate. You breathe. You blink. You watch existence move along without you, a conveyor belt carrying everyone along to the sorting chute, a ride you need to regain your footing on. You retch, and are covered in what you tried to swallow.

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