October 5, 2010

Where I Whine About Not Having Money To Buy Vidjeogamez.

I don’t think I can afford to buy a new copy of Kirby’s Epic Yarn.

For some reason, this is kind of a big deal to me. I feel like I’ve cut down my game purchases a lot. I only really buy maybe one game a month, if that, instead of the three or four I used to buy. Sure, I supplement that with a few cheap iPhone games, but mostly, it’s a net gain. I made hard decisions not to buy stuff all the time. But there was always this idea that, because I was making these hard decisions, I’d be able to have no problem playing the games I really wanted to play. I could still support my favorite franchises on day one, I just wouldn’t waste money on the filler stuff I used to buy all the time. I’d not buy the random chance games that my whims told me to. I’d just Gamefly those. It would work.

I’ll still get to play Epic Yarn. Hell, it’s going to be a short game with limited replay value. I probably SHOULD just Gamefly it. But Kirby is one of my most beloved series. I love the SHIT out of Kirby. I want all the Kirby I can wring out of Nintendo without ruining the charm the series has. Kirby Super Star has to be one of my most replayed games of all time, probably only topped by, say, Space Channel 5. I love this shit, I love the new art style, I want to be a fan and get it day one, even when others wouldn’t. I really do.

In the big scheme, it’s not like it’s a big deal. I’m working on big deal things, you know? That’s why I don’t have any money for such purchases. Maybe it’s just part of growing up, having to start making these choices. Maybe I should just deal, and move on. In fact, I know I should. I don’t have enough money for VIDEOGAMES, for fuck’s sake. I’m not starving or anything. I’m doing fine.

But there’s still something lost there, even if it’s just a tiny little thing that I’m being too emo about. That feeling that, if I work my ass off, things will work out… it’s just a tiny little example of how they won’t. I’ll work hard, and I still won’t have money for all the games I want to support, even if I cut it down to the bare minimum. If I can’t have a stupid disc with a program on it, what else am I going to miss?

Bleh. Should really just get over myself.

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