September 17, 2010

The Blog Where I Put My Personal Thoughts Sucks When I Have Negative Personal Thoughts

I kind of wanted to not write about more doom and gloom. I’m too much that recently. But fuck. I had no time to write a blog today, so this is what you get. Sorry! But hey, you could always watch this video Val shared with me of a dog dancing if you want something more positive to do with your time. Go dog go!

Today sucked!

I was booked the entire way through. On top of that, I hadn’t really slept. I felt sick for most of the night before, and didn’t really rest, and as the last blog post says, I was already really tired. So I was working on no sleep and no energy, and I was feeling really depressed. I sent my mom a pointless depressed text that I instantly regretted, but I was making it through.

Then my phone broke.

Nothing gets me more angry than technology that doesn’t work. I was out having lunch with Cara, but I was angry. I was feeling disconnected, and I didn’t really have the money to buy a new phone I really wanted. Things were bad. I went to the AT&T store, and they were useless, as expected. I got on the phone for two hours talking with people. To their credit, they were very polite, but I ended up having to escalate the call. See, maybe this is selfish of me, but I didn’t want another Blackberry Bold 9000, because it would be my 6th one or so? The construction quality on them sucks. Since I was out of warranty, I didn’t want another one that was just going to break. Eventually, I got them to send me the new model Bold instead, the 9700. That’s something, at least. One problem solved.

However, due to the tiredness, I had expected to use those two hours on the phone doing my homework for class. I then had to rush to get that done. I finished literally a minute before class, thankfully. But it was sub-optimal.

Also, during the break at class, Cole borrowed a dollar and we both went to buy a soda. We went to the only machine not marked “Use Exact Change” and he got a soda… and I said “You know, with my luck today, that was probably the last bit of change in the machine.” And I was right. It was. Yay.

Now I’m home and writing a depressing blog post. I hope something goes my way soon. That would be super nice!

I’ll try to write something more fun tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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