April 19, 2010

This Summer, Medical Science is About to Explode…

It occurs to me that I committed to starting this Let’s Play in May, and it’s starting to be almost May.

Seriously, I’m kind of insane for choosing to start this again. Like I’m not busy enough, right? So. Much. Shit. To. Do. At the same time, just thinking about it gets my brain rolling. I’m so excited about my plans, you can’t even imagine. It is going to be so much fun to write, and I hope everyone on Talking Time takes to it and plays along. I’m going to update with big updates every Saturday, and hopefully knock the whole game out in a month or three. It’s not a very long game, so hopefully my writing won’t spiral TOO out of control. Though that’s fun if it does, too.

It’s these kind of awesome plans that get one in trouble, though. Biting off more than they can chew, and so on. But eh, I’m throwing caution out there into a place known as “the wind.” I am going to embrace this shit, and write the ever-loving crap out of it. I hope the few of you who read this blog who don’t check it out over there will take a bit of a read on it as well and enjoying.

Seriously, so excited. I’ve been thinking of tag lines and horrible quotes all morning.

This summer, the action jumps above 98.6 degrees…

Take two of these, and if morning comes, call me.

In the balmy streets of Atlanta, four friends are about to discover their skills may be the only chance humanity has left.

Four Doctors.
Four Viruses.
One Solution.
Pandemic. Coming Summer, 2010.

Going to be so, so much fun. And it starts in May. I’m preparing. You should too.

This May: Madagascar closes its borders!

Comment by Cris — April 19, 2010 @ 12:12 am

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