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August 03, 2007
Shooting Myself In The Head With Awesome
So some other blogs make me wonder about doing things like putting in pictures and putting in jumps and so on, but I dunno if my blog really needs it. The whole blog is really just so stream of consciousness. It's like little mini-essays on whatever I'm thinking about. I like that. It's all rambley like me and it's not laid out. It's neat. I just don't know what to do when I want to put in pictures and stuff. I suppose I'll just keep linking them and assume you're going to click on them.
I kinda like how Flock doesn't default to putting an empty line in between paragraphs any more, but now I have to kinda rethink how I lay things out. Eh, paragraphs isn't really much laying out, though. But I do try to put a space in between topics.
ANYWAY, I was watching The 1up Show for this week, and they were talking about Persona 3. Now, I've been kinda interested in Persona 3. It's got a pretty nice visual style, the concept looked interesting (it's sort of combining a dungeon hacking RPG with a dating or life sim, where during the night you're dungeon crawling but during the day you're building up these relationships with people, which affect your stats to make you better at the combat at night). However, I can't complete console RPGs anymore. I just really can't. The standard jRPG is just much too long and I fizzle out in the middle. I was thinking I couldn't justify paying the 50 bucks for this game, because I wouldn't play it for 50 bucks worth of playtime.
However, like I said, I was watching the 1up Show and it had some gameplay footage, as they are known to do while covering games, and I got to hear some of the music. It was pretty interesting. I'd heard as much. So I went deep into the internets to hear some more, and dammit, if it isn't completely fucking awesome. It's great stuff! It's this weird hip hop electric... stuff. I want to play a game with this music. I really do. We'll see what happens with my resolve... well, actually, it's pretty well completely gone at this point. Anyway, check out the normal battle music. Weird awesome shit. Heh. The track is called "Mass Destruction." Heh heh.
Also, there's a puppy with a dagger as a party member. I wanna use him.
In other news, I bought school supplies today. Man, that's depressing. I got in on the future: A new generation of binders, just for me! This one totally has rubber on it's hinges. Hopefully the hinges won't split this time because of it. I also got a folder full of folders, because I thought it looked neat. I buy too much stuff like this because it looks neat... but we'll see how effective it is and if I use it. Hopefully it'll keep my random stack of shit in an almost order. I also bought the bag I wanted. It's not very big, but I shouldn't need a big one, hopefully. Then again, I haven't checked my schedule lately. I hope I don't have many classes in a row. Eh, but I'll deal with that when the time comes. I have a little more vacation left. I should be lazy and enjoy it. I gotta keep my stress level at a minimum to keep me happy and working and completing assignments. I need to finish this year.
I really do.
Posted by poetfox at August 3, 2007 09:29 PM
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