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August 12, 2007

Mistifying Tubes

You know, Pidgin developers. I really want to like you. I really do. No lie. But you constantly make it so fucking hard. I really like your program. But I have to wait for weeks for every update, to make sure the Extpos plugin is ready to go, because you decided having windows stay put was optional, which blows my mind. And now, not only that, when I go to update from 2.02 to 2.1, a sigificant update, one might think, it crashes immediately on startup. Every single time. Pidgin, come on. Come on. Please. Don't tease me with a Windows build if you're just going to half-ass it.

So I got my new moneycard, and immediately used it to buy a frivilous thing and a not so frivilous thing. One was this amazing mousepad. One was a new wallet. I'll let you decide which one was the pointless purchase.

There was talk of seeing Stardust today. We'll see how that goes. I've already proved on Talking Time that I don't remember much at all of the book. Also, on Talking Time, I've really been sort of feeling not part of the group recently. I don't know why. There's no reason to think everyone is ignoring me. Nobody responds to what I say most of the time, yes, but I'm boring, and nobody responds to like 80% of posts anyway. I'm not very controversial. It makes sense nobody would say anything. I dunno, I've just been moody all around. And why does the bridge of my nose hurt for no reason? It's kinda retarded.

Oh well.

Posted by poetfox at August 12, 2007 01:14 PM


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