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August 21, 2007
Justifications For and Against Me Buying a Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
- I want one.
- I deserve nice things.
- I have the money.
- I would like to be able to lay down when I'm feeling bad, and still chat and Skype to Brer (or, you know, whoever. But mostly Brer) in bed.
- There is no major purchases I need to make, gamingwise, between now and the release of Phantom Hourglass, on the first of October. This should give my bank account time to recover.
- Feeling unable to buy new games SHOULD help me get through most of Persona 3, a game which should be coming in the mail tommorow and which I really think I'm going to love.
- My recent ebay sale (of a laptop I bought almost exclusively for the purposes listed above for chatting with Brer in bed) pays for about half of the thing.
- It's a lot of money for something I honestly don't really need.
- I'm still going to buy at least one game in September, unless Picross continues to keep me captivated (It'll last me awhile longer, but I'm not expecting the whole month). Granted, it'll probably be a DS game (I'm thinking Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon) or a series of VC purchases, which isn't too bad, but that's still money I'll spend.
- There was vague plans of going to visit Brer and take him to a TMBG concert. These plans are still an appealing idea, although I bet he's forgotten about them. If I do this, it takes money, money I might not have to waste if I buy this. (However, doing it has it's own consequenses... I'm still wrong and I'm going to be completely awkward around him perhaps. Also, I know from past relationships that once I meet him in person, it's going to be harder to be content with our internet relationship, which needs to last for awhile longer before I can settle down with him without being insane...)
- Heck, there's still TMBG ticket expenses anyway, as I'm definately going to the one in St. Louis either way. That's like... I dunno... 30 dollars for a ticket, plus like 40 or something for a tank of gas to get there and back, though hopefully friends will be coming and help me out with that gas price.
Posted by poetfox at August 21, 2007 04:42 PM
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