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August 05, 2007
I've Got Those Wallet Is Gone Blues
So my wallet got stolen. Or maybe I dropped it somewhere. I don't know. It's definately gone, in any case. I've already killed the money card, so I should be fine. I just get a lot of errands to do on monday when I wake up! Though that doesn't seem too bad... driving around, doing errands, listening to TWiT, maybe eating some lunch with someone afterwards...
But anyway, the point is, now that my beloved Chococat wallet is gone, I need a new one. I don't really want another Sanrio Wallet... most of them aren't very good. The Chococat one I got to look at and feel and know it was decent before I bought it. Over the internet, I cannot do this. What I do want, though, is a cool new wallet. And I remembered, from a long time ago, the Magic Wallet my Mom got me. (I realize now that that was one of the best presents she ever got me without advice from myself or my brother, actually.) I don't know where it is now, but that thing was awesome. So I do my internet thing and look for this wallet, and the only place on the whole internet I found it is here.
How does that site look to you? It looks all shady and weird. Well, okay, maybe not shady... just... old. Not the sort of website a company would likely have... I dunno. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much. Mom's very few internet purchases are all from places that make me cringe, and they all turn out fine. It's the one place that has what I want, so I should just order the Magic Wallet Plus I want from there and be done with it, and if I'm really worried I can call their Customer Service line first and talk to someone about it.
But this is all kind of moot right now, because my wallet is gone and I don't have a debit card to order these things with. Sad face.
Posted by poetfox at August 5, 2007 02:39 AM
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