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August 07, 2007
I'm Late To This Party, And Dammit, If You Are Too, You're Coming!
If this was, say, Parish's blog, or a news blog, or just about any professional blog, or not my blog, I would put up a neat picture to preface this. Maybe a picture like this. Or that, even. But no, I link to them instead. That's the Getmeoutofthis.net way. Or something.
It's really damn awesome.
No seriously, I've been having a lot of fun. I just got to the first really hard boss, though, and knowing me it might be hard enough to discourage me from continuing. But it's a lot of fun.
The game is basically a cute little Metroid-type game. You're a little guy with a hat, and you pick up various guns. They all do different sorts of things, some have ammo and some don't, and you flip between them easily through little hotkeys or opening a nice little pausey item menu. Each weapon has three levels of power. Some even change effects when they level up. You level up by collecting these little yellow triangly thingies that enemies drop. You lose these energy thingies whenever you get hit, so if you're getting the shit beat out of you, your currently-equipped weapon will level down. You jump really high, it feels like. The controls are overall very good, though the jumping is very floaty. It's not a problem, perse, but it takes a little getting used to. There isn't TOO much platforming so far, but you will die if you jump shitty.
Anyway, it has a cute little story and it's got a nice little visual style and it's completely free. It's awesome. I'm playing a PSP port which has a couple little glitches, but just silly visual things like some letters cut off in some text boxes, and nothing that hurts gameplay. It's over here. If you have a haxx0red PSP, it comes highly recommended. Otherwise, there's a PC or Mac version which I haven't tried but is freely available like... here... although you'll probably have to patch it for English... but my PSP version was using the same translation and it's pretty solid. So, you know, do patch it. Whatever. You figure it out, and then play this awesome free game. Oh, I think there's a Haxx0red DS version too, but I dunno about that so INTERNET IT YOURSELF WHAT DO I HAVE TO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS?
Play the game.
In other news, I have a Temporary Access Card! Also, we played Catan tonight and I totally won! I'm a winner!
I win.
Posted by poetfox at August 7, 2007 12:47 AM
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