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August 15, 2007

I got better. You'd think ebay could do better.

So Brer read the thing I posted yesterday in my depression and we talked about it and he made me feel better. Most everything he said was all things I knew, at least vaugely, but it was still nice to hear him say it. I also got to hear a little more about what his plans are with school, which I may have known but may have not and it was a nice refresher. Anyway, I'm, in general, feeling a lot better now. Not 100%, but not "I want to hide in bed all day and disappear." So that's good.

ebay, however, is not good. I keep trying to sell this lappy and I keep putting it on Buy It Now, cause that's useful, and people keep Buying It Now and then getting banned because they're assholes. I don't know what they expect to gain by this. Are people really retarded enough to mail out their stuff before they get paid? Anyway, I could avoid this if ebay wasn't being a dick and trying to force me to pay for a business level Paypal to have the simple functionality of "You want to buy it now? Pay me, THEN I'll take it down" which you'd think would be standard but NO, they wants my monies that bad. Well, I changed it now so that the auction has no buy it now, but a higher starting bid and a shorter duration... I guess we'll see what happens. I'm just kinda frustrated with ebay right now, so I'm hoping it sells this time and I can stop fucking around with it for awhile.
Brer did mention Amazon Marketplace, and that might be a better way of selling off all my manga I don't need. I should look into it.

Posted by poetfox at August 15, 2007 02:35 AM


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