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August 20, 2007
Edumacation: The Beginning of the End
Well, school has started. Well, it probably will have by the time you read this, anyway. It starts for me in like 8 hours. What's my goals for this semester, you ask? 1. Get Everything Done. Even if it's mediocre, it's better than nothing. 2. Utilize the gaps between classes to get work done ahead of time for less stress and more fun without guilt.
That's it, really. We'll see how this semester goes. Good luck to everyone who might be starting. Me and my BINDER OF THE FUTURE (The Staples Better Binder) will be kicking ass and taking names, I'm sure.
So, I guess some quick reviews.
Bioshock: Still fucking awesome, but that's all I'm going to say about it still. No spoilers. Judging by the number of weapon upgrades I still need to find I'm pretty close to the end of the game, though. PC demo hits today. If you can handle this game, at least try the demo, eh?
Superbad: Not super good. Michael Cera is an incredibly funny guy, and when he was talking, I laughed. His curly-haired co-star thought himself funny, but was really not funny. The "McLovin" side story was fairly entertaining but ultimately forgetable. So, for those keeping track at home, about a third of the movie was garbage, a third was funny at times, and a third was Michael Cera gold. Wait for the DVD, if you want to see it. It's about what you'd think it would be.
Mr. Driller Drill Spirits: I bought this on clearance at Hastings, because I'd heard good things about Mr. Driller, and that there was nothing wrong with this version except a pointless lack of single card multiplayer. But gods, this game is weird. I really don't know how to approach it. I'm going to keep trying when I feel like it and I'll get back to you on it. For now, though, Picross is so much more appealing (even if I have started using the hints... I decided using them was better than being frustrated, and that I'd have more fun. I was right.).
Visions of Escaflowne: I don't know. I really don't know. I'm watching it with Brer right now. I really don't know. It's a decent enough show, but I'm not interested. I think part of the reason I'm eh about it is that some of the dubbing voices are kinda bad. However, I just don't know if I can give it the full attention subtitles require. I really don't know.
Irresponsible Captain Tylor: I guess the show was supposed to be funny? But I couldn't like Tylor. He's either a genius but selfish asshole or he's an idiot and I don't know why I'm watching his bumbling misadventures. I dunno. Brer and I stopped watching it for Escaflowne.
Okay, off to bed. Wish me luck getting up early and getting to Grauel on time...
Posted by poetfox at August 20, 2007 12:46 AM
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