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July 27, 2007
This is an amazing blog update. Prepare to be bloggified.
So this past week or weektime or something I've actually written shit. Two essays, actually! It's pretty impressive... wait, okay, I guess only one since my last post, as I mentioned the first one for Deadpan in there. He said on the show this week he had only gotten one entry for the Deadpan Is The Way Project, and since I sent that in, I guess that was me. Whoo! I'm first!
Anyway, I also wrote, on a complete and utter whim in the middle of listening to Deadpan, another essay about notebooks. BUT WAIT! It's completely different than my other two essays about notebooks, I promise! I just have a lot to say about notebooks, apparently. Anyway, it's called "No Need For Notebooks", and the Deadpan essay is called "Happiness Is You" and I'm going to update "Poetfox.com" after I finish this blog post for the first time in a long damn time so you can go over there and read them, if you'd like.
Oh goodness, they made Sharkey write an article about that witch-touching game. Recommended reading.
Anyway, in other things I've been doing, I've been posting on Talking Time and talking with Brer and Ecks and various other internet friends, which I'm sure is amazingly exciting. I'm back up to the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin in KoL, and I've managed to reaquire all the keys but Richard's Star Key along the way... which I actually should probably get on to. I forgot about that one until this very moment. I also beat the normal story mode in Lego Star Wars II. I give that game my seal of approval. It's not the most compelling experience for the single adult player, but it would be the perfect game to play with your kid, and it was charming and fun enough for me to play through solo anyway. I also deftly dodged a long conversation with Dai-chan last night. Shi's a great person, but shi's... I dunno, if we talk for too long about video games, we end up clashing and I leave in a bad mood. So I ended the conversation before we got to that point! Yay!
And... I dunno. I guess that's it for now. This has been an amazing blog update. Now to update my poor written crap site...
Posted by poetfox at July 27, 2007 01:37 PM
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