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July 04, 2007

Primetime Adventures: A Report

Quick Summary: It was fun, but didn't go anywhere near as I would have hoped, and didn't end up seeming like something that would become constant in our playing rotation.

We spent a lot of time brainstorming what we wanted to do. Essner wanted a reality show because he wanted talking heads. Jonathan wanted crazy thing. Spaeth wanted Spaeth things. Brian and Jessie wouldn't contribute. I wanted something with a Monster Hunter, apparently, although I really wasn't concious of it. What we ended up with was a show I titled Necrofamilia. It would be better named something like "My stepdad is a zombie!" We did the classic boss comes over to dinner scenario. The mom, Jessie, doesn't know the dad, Spaeth, is a zombie. The zombie is apparently a brain surgeon. Jonathan was the "wacky" neighbor, who was a monster hunter obsessed with pitchforks. The boss, Brian, was trying to win over the mom's heart. And Essner was a 14 year old boy named Elizibeth (who would rather be called Z-Beth) who wanted his stepdad dead, because he's a zombie.

Memorable lines (which probably aren't funny without context):
"Oh honey, it could have been any number of European rock bands!"
"What else could happen?"
"You say that every time you come in here and it's never true."

In any case, we had fun, but I don't think it was a success. I know we're capable of laughing and cracking jokes like that while actually having a narrative. I just think we didn't pick quite the right... genre, perhaps. We needed something that would make everyone interested in the story as well as the funny, but what we got was just a loose premise for acting like an idiot. Which was enjoyable. There was much laughing. But it's not as good as it could have been. If we try it again, more planning might make it a better experience. In any case, that was how it went.

Posted by poetfox at July 4, 2007 12:37 AM


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