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July 15, 2007

I was going to ramble about something OTHER than KoL, honest!

Okay, so, beat the Naughty Sorceress yet again. Fun times. This time she was NS13-style, though. Which wasn't too bad. Just required using a whole day grinding in the Haunted Ballroom. I just wonder about how easy it'll be with a Mysticality class like I am now. Since she can now stop skills but it didn't seem like special attacks, it might be more difficult. Then again, Saucegeyer no longer has its damage capped against her, so I should only need it to land like... twice per form.
Oh, I guess I should say. This ascention, I'm Sauceror again. I know, I know. What about Turtle Tamer? It's the only class I haven't been. But I want Torso Awaregness SO BAD, and if I went Turtle Tamer, I know there would at least be something I'd want to permanent. (Something useful and passive, like Skin of the Leatherback, Wisdom of the Elder Tortoises, or, if I go crazy grinding, Tao of the Terrapin) Sauceror does not have anything to seduce me away from Torso Awaregness, besides perhaps Expert Panhandling, but I already have that permed. (If I had to pick one to do next on a Sauceror run, I would probably get Advanced Saucecrafting so I could delve into the world of Scrumpcious Reagents) The fact that the Sauce spells now have "splashback" against non-saucerors makes perming something small and spellicious like Stream of Sauce unappealing, and since I enjoy Kingdom of Buffing, most buff-spells would be an unimpressive choice. So Torso Awaregness it is.
And with it comes a need to collect shirts for my newly-found torso. I need a General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket for my End of Day More Adventure Getter outfit, but otherwise, I don't know what I need in a shirt. The Vampire Cape and Yak anorak are appealing choices. Also, all of the Chef Staves are amazing, and I need them as a Mysticality class. So I'm probably going to collect a couple of those... not all, though, yet. Only ones that boost hot and cold spell damage are useful to me as a Sauceror. I'll probably leave the rest for future Pastamancer runs.
Oh, I just noticed I need Spirit of Rigatoni or a Special Sauce Glove to use these. Huh. Maybe I'll just leave the whole damn thing until another Pastamancer run and perm Spirit of Rigatoni.

Anyway, that's MORE than enough talk about KoL for today. I was going to talk about something else. But now it's late and I dunno if I want to.

So I'll do it later. Goodnight.

Posted by poetfox at July 15, 2007 02:56 AM


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