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July 30, 2007
I Sorta Review Three Things: Flock Ver. 0.9, Mario's Picross, and Lucky Star
So here's a quick review of the new Flock. Once again, they've pretty well completely changed the interface. Some of the stuff they offer, I don't really want in my browser, but I understand why they put it in there.
They put this little bar of icons underneath the main bar. This has most of the stuff I had added to my original bar, so I don't mind too much. Some of the buttons on there I won't use. I don't see too much need for the "My World" page, although if I used RSS for things other than podcasts I could see me using it. It looks a lot like Spaeth's Google Homepage, actually, now that I think about it. So I suppose that's a good thing. Originally it was opening it in another tab along with my homepage. I changed that real quick.
Woah, I just realized I could change that little bar. I'm so doing that right now and taking what I don't like off of it.
Anyway, the fact that little bar exists makes it pointless for me not to use the Favorites Toolbar, because that little menu is PART of the Favorites Toolbar. I've never used it in any other browser, but since it's there I've decided to try it. So far, I've only put a link to Talking Time up there, but honestly, that's proved pretty useful as I check Talking Time all the fucking time. As far as other websites I need access to that quickly... I don't know.
The other big change, for me anyway, is that now Favorites, instead of opening in another tab (which I used all the time just to open another tab... but there's a new tab button I just put in that little toolbar, so that's no big deal) opens in a sidebar, like a lot of the stuff in Internet Explorer does. This made it pretty well impossible to look through all of my favorites. But this time, they let me put them into folders, so I took five minutes organizing them. It's actually easier to find shit now. Also, there's a "search favorites" function. So I guess that's fine.
I did discover a bug while sorting my favorites. I went to make a folder, decided I didn't need to, and canceled. Now there's this unnamed folder in my list that I can't rename and can't delete and can't add things to. It's just there. It's kinda weird.
Mm, the blogging window has spell-check now, I see. I don't agree with it trying to change toolbar to tool bar, though. Seems like you'd pronounce it differently that way. Thanks, blogging window, for telling me the correct spelling of pronounce, though.
Anyway, it seems to be working fine fine fine. If it has less random crashed than the last version, then I'll be happy, and I'm sure many people will be excited about how it has many more things built in. I can upload a video to Youtube straight from little upload button now, I think, as well as pictures to Flickr and such. Will I ever use this? Probably not. This just keeps being my second browser so I can have one browser open on each monitor with minimal hassle. But I like it. Anyway, that's Flock.
In other news, I really fucking like Picross. Okay, so Picross DS isn't out yet. (Holy crap, "Okay" isn't in the spell check dictionary? That's... a weird omission. Added.) But I did find a copy of Mario's Picross for the original Game Boy for a little testing. I needed to make sure it would be as fun as I thought it was, since literally everyone I've told about me wanting to purchase it tomorrow has looked at me funny. Well, I'm happy to report I'm right. Picross is a lot of fun, and every bit as addicting to me as Sudoku, which is exactly what I wanted. And it's selling at a reduced price, and would be much easier to control with a stylus, so I'm on board. I'm sure I'll end up typing up a stupid review of that soon, like I normally do. Do people actually enjoy those reviews? Who knows.
Tomorrow, I'm giving blood, so I needed something to watch on my PSP. I don't really have any TV series or anything I'm following right now, though. So after all the mentions on Talking Time and Megi actually watching it the other day, I decided to give Lucky Star a try. Check out the opening, it's all kinda crazy. The song is kinda addicting, though. I had to find a copy of it in MP3.
Anyway, the show's art is extremely, extremely loli. Extremely. It was really bothering me for most of the first episode. Even the adults look like little kids. And the content is pretty adult. Compared to, say, Azumanga Daioh, the content is a lot more dirty. Granted, it's not all the time, but it does happen. If you get past the art, though, the show is fairly entertaining. If it isn't influenced by Azumanga, it's in the same genre. All the female friends just sitting around and talking about weird things. It's just that they get to talking about MMOs and Hentai Dating Sims instead of Osaka's weird dreams and strange questions. If you need an anime to watch, it's certainly worth a go. I'm going to, at the very least, finish watching what's been fansubbed so far. But it's not really my favorite or anything. It didn't immediately capture my heart like Haruhi did.
Okay, that's enough for now. Back to internets before work.
Posted by poetfox at July 30, 2007 06:23 PM
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