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May 04, 2007

They have his Sonic Screwdriver toy at Hastings, and I want it.

So apparently the little round thing on the back of my video card was NOT an S-Video Out, as previously believed, but a connector for a proprietary dongle that gives access to S-Video, Component, and Composite out. Brer probably lost it immediately since his PC monitor IS his TV, and would have no use for it, but with the new Doctor Who coming out and Jessie coming home and us making vaguely tentative plans to watch it, I felt it was time to get my PC hooking up to my TV again. So I went and found this dongle for nine dollars after shipping, and it's coming next week.
I've also realized there is a possibility of me running video to my TV, hooking 360 controllers to my PC, and playing MAME games on the TV... like... say... Metal Slug 3. Yay! That's incredibly complicated just to play Metal Slug, though.

So, okay, I have... four more Familiars to get this ascention. I made a checklist. Two of them are going to be a bitch, the other two shouldn't be too bad. I still keep using El Amigo De Mi Cabeza though, even though I have a very wide variety of Familiars to pick from.

Ecks and I are having this conversation again about how important college is... I do understand, and I know he's trying to be supportive and motivate me, but whenever I get into this conversation I just get depressed. I hate thinking about it. I just want it to be over.

But, okay... end on a happy note... um... umm... all I have left is finals? Is that happy? I dunno.

Posted by poetfox at May 4, 2007 01:56 PM


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