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May 07, 2007
Skills for Kills, Agent. Skills for Kills.
I so doodled another Oekaki thingy yesterday. It's Kirby in the Megaton Punch contest. I think it's inspiring that I cannot even draw Kirby, one of the simplest characters imaginable, well.
So this is a week of doing things. I have much work on the schedule, and today I need to write a short paperish thing, and I should probably get a new schedule going, even though it's about the last thing I want to deal with right now. So... yay for me? At least I'm going to get monies next week.
I got Brer watching Stand Alone Complex. I'm glad he likes it. I was pretty sure he would. So that's good.
What else... I dunno. I'm yawny and tired right now. I should go back to bed...
Oh, as far as the KoL Familiar hunt goes, I got another, but I still have four more to go. Yeah, okay, I missed one on my list, but at least I remembered to get the Killer Bee. I named it C. Only like... 58 more Dusty Bones to go before I get the Misshapen Animal Skeleton... wheeee... man, I'm so glad I'm only going to have to do that once...
I played Crackdown yesterday like... all day. Listened to some podcasts and just... shot things. Got my Firearms skill from like one star to extremely close to four stars. Killed all the Los Muertos bosses. Picked up both rocket launchers. Crackdown is just a shit-ton of fun, and it was fun to get back to it, seeing as I hadn't done too much in it before. We'll see if I try to finish off all the mob bosses this week.
Someone needs to post what's up on Virtual Console... bleh.
Posted by poetfox at May 7, 2007 08:07 AM
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