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May 26, 2007
More Pretentious: Wedding in the Rain, or dramatic singing at the gallows?
So. Pirates: At World's End. It was alright. I had fun. If you liked the other movies, you'll enjoy yourself. The first one still keeps the crown. I was confused that there was not more hints at important plot foci in this movie in the previous one, as they were made together. Also, Justin Spaeth totally spoiled the "twist" of the film. Although you'll see it coming a mile away anyway. So it's not like I'm mad or anything.
Also, before it, I saw another Transformers trailer. Jonathan is excited, because he wants to see a hilariously bad film, and that is exactly what it's going to be. It looks SO FUCKING AWFUL. What the hell were they thinking? Seriously. Is it really that hard to make a Transformers movie where, I dunno, the main characters are the Transformers? Apparently so.
Let's see... other things... I felt the Sixaxis. It IS stupid toy cheap-feeling light. Also, the R2 and L2 buttons are all different and weird. I dunno.
I got an e-mail that Odin Sphere just got shipped. This is good. I keep feeling the urge to buy another game, even though I just bought Odin Sphere and a big new monitor... so I just have to wait until a little later next week. I can do it. I do sorta want to fiddle around with a VC or XBLA game though, until it drops... eh, I should just play Etrian Odyssey.
Anyway, I'm going to curl up and hide until work now. Bye.
Posted by poetfox at May 26, 2007 05:58 PM
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