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May 02, 2007
It's stupid of me to get stressed and depressed, but I do...
Apparently, I can't be trusted to do anything. Spread the word.
So Catan is one fucking awesome board game. I still don't know if it would work well with my friends, but it is created insanely well, and I was glad to pay ten bucks for it. You should play it with me sometime, nonexistant reader, if you have a 360.
Other things going on... let's see... I... managed to get homework done despite all my breakdowns over the last few weeks. I should be okay. I do need to get my classes set up, but I just... I'm going to focus on other things... like getting my homework done and not breaking down... It can wait. I can wait.
Other than that... I dunno... I got my last badge in Pokemon... Persona 3 is tempting me, but I shouldn't... at least not yet, it's due out in June, we'll see how Odin Sphere keeps me... I was thinking of trying Persona 2, but it apparently doesn't work well on the PSP, so... but...
Anyway, I just have to stay calm, get what I need to get done done and use the rest of the time to destress... that's the ticket...
Posted by poetfox at May 2, 2007 11:16 PM
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