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May 22, 2007
I fucking hate Victory Road so fucking much.
So Elsu (That's what he's named in my list, I actually need to ask him what to call him... man, all the weird little social issues that come from internet friendships) and I were talking about Pokemon and Essner just got Pokemon and Jonathan and Spaeth are still playing Pokemon so I decided to try to trudge through Victory Road today. I got really pissed. I am going to post a transcript of me ranting at Brer because I'll get mad if I type it again.
(16:54:35) thepoetfox: *growls...* God I fucking hate Victory Road.
(16:55:07) Brer: what is it?
(16:55:48) thepoetfox: It's the dungeon right before the Elite Four. I have a Cleanse Tag on my front Pokemon and am using Super Repels and I STILL get into a random encounter every four steps. It's such bullshit.
(17:00:30) Brer: *nods and snuggles up close* Heh, sounds annoying...is it Ironic that I'm illegally torrenting a law dictionary?
(17:00:52) thepoetfox: A bit. Heh. ^_^
(17:09:49) thepoetfox: *curls up in anger...*
(17:10:10) Brer: *kisses* What's wrong, love?
(17:10:25) thepoetfox: I HATE VICTORY ROAD.
(17:10:48) thepoetfox: I was getting somewhere, and now I'm dead, and I'm not fucking trying that BULLSHIT again.
(17:13:04) Brer: *erfs and nods*
(17:13:07) thepoetfox: There is no REASON why they should force me to have to drop a Pokemon from my party for stupid-ass Rock Climb, there is no REASON why all the levels should jump up 10 levels to make me grind for a few hours, there is no REASON why I should have to fight a random Pokemon every four steps.
(17:13:10) thepoetfox: FUCK IT.
(17:14:34) Brer: *nuzzles* Sorry...Is this required to beat the game?
(17:14:47) thepoetfox: Yes. The last bosses are at the other side of this cave.
(17:15:05) Brer: Gah....
(17:16:36) thepoetfox: I want to be able to catch Wild Kanto and Johto and Hoenn Pokemon. I want to access the special Island I can only get to after beating the Elite four. I want to do many many things. BUT I DON'T WANT TO PUT UP WITH THIS SHIT!
(17:17:10) thepoetfox: If it's supposed to be hard, why can I not even walk in the fucking cave without dropping a Pokemon from my party? No SANE person would have Rock Climb and Rock Smash on a pokemon they were actually going to use. They are useless.
(17:17:42) thepoetfox: I would have beat that guy if I had had my party. My Luxio could have raped that Staraptor. The party has answers to everything, But I had to leave one behind and, at random, it happened to be the one I needed and FUCK IT.
(17:20:50) Brer: No way to build a 5-pokemon party that's sufficient?
(17:21:40) thepoetfox: Perhaps, but then I'd have to be grinding up new Pokemon and that wouldn't really solve anything for me.
(17:22:42) thepoetfox: *curls up...* Bleh...
So yeah, I hate Victory Road. Now I've got to try to quell this hatred so I can try again, because I do need to get past it... but damn, it's going to be a bit.
Posted by poetfox at May 22, 2007 05:28 PM
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