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May 09, 2007
I'm done with school for this semester. I think that's supposed to be a happy thing. I'm just trying to decompress and not care right now. I dunno, I just need to... I dunno. I hope this summer is relaxing. I need to head back into the school year free of stress and full of anger at my parents to motivate me to finish. Or something. Eh, it worked last semester.
So last night was an amazing night for Familiar Collection in Kingdom of Loathing. I got, finally, my Misshapen Animal Skeleton, and right after I did that, I picked up the Origami Towel Crane and Barrrnacle I needed in rapid succession. The only familiar I'm missing that I could get this ascention is now the Ninja Snowflake, which I need to pickpocket off of a Ninja Snowman Weapon Master, which will probably be difficult to do. But I'm up to the challenge. Next ascention I'm going to be a Seal Clubber and try to get the many different flavors of Gravy Fairy. I want the Sleazy Gravy Fairy with her tiny pack of Clove Cigarettes.
I was thinking last night about starting a blog, just a quick one on another server, like on LiveJournal or Blogger, where I simply write down every day what I've accomplished that day, so that when I get into one of my stupid "I'm Useless" ruts, I have this big list of shit I did that was worthwhile. I'd do it in a little notebook or something, but I don't know. I don't write analogue anymore. I can't. I have my little "Moleskine" book next to the computer where I take notes for whatever I might need to take notes on... like... drawing shitty maps... or writing down passwords... making Familiar Checklists for KoL... whatever. But I can't write anything longer than that, and the only reason I write those in there would be because laying it out in computer-ness would take waaaaaay more effort. This list wouldn't, and I know if I got a notebook and wanted to keep it in the notebook, I wouldn't do it.
So, blog is the form for me. Would it be worth it? I don't know. Haven't decided yet. If you see a new link on the side there to something along the lines of "I wonder what the hell I've accomplished..." then you'll know what that is, hm?
What else... I have this something on my face that keeps bleeding... it's annoying... and... um... I dunno.
I'm done. That's good, yes? That's it. I'm going to curl up in bed and disappear for a week or so...
Posted by poetfox at May 9, 2007 12:41 PM
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