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May 17, 2007
A brief Halo 3 Beta Update.
Ph33r my shitty Halo 3 Beta statistics and pink emblem of DEATH!
Mostly, though, the beta is just Halo... so... you know... if you like Halo... I've never played any Halo online, so it's keeping my interest just because it's new. I like the Spiker gun. I still haven't played a game on the map called Valhalla. The matchmaking thing has some trouble sometimes connecting to Live. I suppose fixing that is what this Beta is all about, though.
In any case, the only way I could see me buying this before it dropped to budget prices would be if someone like Kale got it and Live Gold and really wanted me to play with them. It's pretty fun, though... I gotta get Spants over to splitscreen, this is half his Beta, too.
Anyway, Grandparent time.
Posted by poetfox at May 17, 2007 04:11 PM
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