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April 04, 2007
I hope my copy of Puzzle Quest gets here in the mail today. Otherwise, I might go buy Chocobo's Magic Picture Book (I like the Japanese name better than Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales, okay?), something I really don't need to do, especially since Super Paper Mario is coming out.
Actually, I shouldn't do ANYTHING because Super Paper Mario is coming out, apparently.
I bought Military Madness on the Virtual Console. It's pretty damn good. The graphics aren't that amazing, but they get the job done, and it's support/surround system and it's No New Units/Repair/Level Up system combine really well. It's a really good little turn-based strategy. I'm just annoyed that they call moving "Shifting." What the fuck? Why not "Moving?" Anyway, it was definately worth my 6 dollars, and I'll keep working through it slowly. If you like Advance Wars and similar, it's probably worth your 6 dollars too.
So, a day or two ago, I was doing some thinking about me and getting depressed, and I realized what I need to do when I feel depressed is to create something. When I'm down, I go on and on about how useless I am, so what better way to cheer me up than to do something useful? I mean, going to work usually cheers me up, oddly enough, BECAUSE I'm being useful. So we'll see how good that strategy works next time I feel crippled by sadness.
I am so tired of Jonathan's allergies. He needs to punch his sinuses or something.
Well, okay, off to class to take a test... then lunch with Essner... then I need to do the first pass over my editing project today... I'll do a second one tommorow... and then work... and... yeah. Wish me luck.
Posted by poetfox at April 4, 2007 10:33 AM
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