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April 08, 2007
It's much too cold to be Easter. What the hell.
It's Easter. Yay!
Puzzle Quest is fucking awesome. I mean, seriously, it is. I don't know what else to say besides that. I highly suggest it if you like casual puzzlers at all.
So Brer and I, for whatever reason, seemed to have started some sort of movie exchange program? I watched Sneakers the other night, at his suggestion. It was pretty good. I'll admit, his claims were all valid. It's a hacker movie that is almost completely sane and realistic, instead of saying "Oooh, I'm a hacker, look, it's magic! I can do anything on a computer! Oooh!" It was just... so... very... 90's... though. It was almost overwhelmingly distracting for me. Maybe I'm easily distracted. I'm probably easily distracted. Anyway, I don't know if it's a movie worth going out of your way for, but it's definately a solid film, and I enjoyed it, and Kevin seemed to enjoy it too, although Jonathan didn't look all that entertained.
Anyway, my pick is Stranger Than Fiction, which I bought because it's awesome. I already re-watched it today, and I can't wait to watch it again with Brer. God, that movie is great. Then he wants me to watch Aliens, which... I dunno. I'm more hesitant about than watching Sneakers. Mostly having to explain to people why I'm renting and watching Aliens. It's not a "me" kinda film. But I will. He wants me to see it, it's one of those movies so often referenced I probably should have seen it, I'll watch it with him. And after that, I decided I want him to see Adaptation. Which is kinda weird. Adaptation and Stranger than Fiction have some similar subject matter... but anyway...
I keep wanting to buy Dragon's Curse on Virtual Console, but I've been resisting, and rightly so. I have many new DS games, Military Madness, (which really takes a try or two to figure out where the important point of conflict is, and then how to secure that... if you can take that one specific factory, wherever it is, the level is then so easy... maybe it's just me, needing multiple tries, since I'm normally all kamakaze tank spam or whatever...) and of course, Super Paper Mario. Just gotta hold out until Tuesday. And do my taxes Monday after classes. Gotta do that too.
On a final note, breaking in new shoes isn't fun, especially since I walk so weird, and they have to get worn in oddly.
Posted by poetfox at April 8, 2007 02:08 AM
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