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April 19, 2007

I'm Employee of the Month! Number 1 Chrome-makin' SonuvvaGun!

I just need one sandwhich, and I'm set all day for making chromes.

So I turned on my lappy last night on a whim, and its battery was drained, it gave me a weird error, asked me to look at some settings, then it rebooted and... it worked perfectly. No issues at all. Just perfect, beautiful lappy-ness. Let's hope it's not a fluke, or it was based on something retarded like the fact that the battery wasn't full. I can take the battery out, if that's all it needs to be happy, I don't mind. This development has made me happier about the release of Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn tommorow.

Anyway, I get the joy of going to work and the joy of making a Press Release today... as well as... other joys, I guess, although I don't claim to know what they are. Yay.

Posted by poetfox at April 19, 2007 08:09 AM


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