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April 27, 2007
I miss "... wants to battle!" "You are challenged by..." just feels wrong.
Hastur totally raped us tonight. I'm sorry the King in Yellow is wreaking havok on the world tonight. It's our fault. Sorry about that.
So I totally kinda sorta used Amazon to preorder Odin Sphere and Etrian Odyssey today. I dunno if it was a good decision or not. I mean, I'm almost certianly going to get them, and this keeps me from fighting with the nice but unfortunately corporate-controlled people at EB, but I know me, and I know I'm going to be squirming during all the time it takes for them to ship to me. Also, I was really on the fence about buying Odin Sphere. I wanted it, but I didn't know if I would play it enough. Gabe's sentence to the essence of "this is a game you must play" set me over the edge. Also, I appreciate it not being the full 50 bucks. Anyway, I hope Atlus is happy now. I'm sure they want my money for Persona 3 as well, which I wouldn't mind giving, but I know for a fact I wouldn't give that the time it deserved.
I had a conversation that stemmed from Etrian Odyssey recently that made me think about what I want different from a portable game as opposed to a console game. In general, I prefer portables, not only because the cheaper cost makes my willpower fail easier, but because I play through them and beat them. But still, I look for something different. In a portable game, I look for interesting mechanics for me to fiddle with, whereas for a console title, I tend to look more for a sense of style that's going to blow me over with coolness or cuteness or energize me. I find I want simpler, more accessable fun on the console, for whatever reason. I dunno. It was an interesting thought, but in the end, if a game appeals to me, I know I'll throw money at it, simple as that.
I also did some thinking about why I like 1up better than other gaming review sites. Now, maybe it's just how I ended up approaching 1up, but their writers seem to be more... a cast of characters. Out there, in my face. I recognize them when they write things, and it helps me to say "Oh, Parish is on this review, we like similar things." The list of writer blogs on the side, as badly implimented as those may be, helps to create this, as well as The 1up Show and the various podcasts I listen to from there. They are all people being people and writing about video games, and not... 1up.com. Maybe other sites are doing this sort of thing now. Maybe I never tried to find it before. But that's what I like about 1up.
I've got 7 badges. I'm getting there! Wanna see my party in little hoppy animated gifs? Okay.
Tommorow, I see Hot Fuzz again, but for now, sleep.
Posted by poetfox at April 27, 2007 11:58 PM
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