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April 26, 2007
i herd u liek blog posts...
So, okay, I'm still very out of it, but I'm going to write a more intense blog entry, dammit. If I accomplish things, maybe my mood will pick up a little...
So, okay, Pokemon Pearl. As much as Jonathan has bitched about "Oh, I can't get the Pokemon I want, blah blah..." I say they've pretty well been forgiven for Ruby/Sapphire. The game is amazing, and if you've never played a Pokemon game before and have a DS, I highly recommend it. The gameplay is very solid, and even though the formula has changed little since the beginning, it's worth doing at least once. Now if only my Riolu ()would love me more so I could get some hawt Lucario action up ins...
Brer was playing the copy of Fire Red I got him the other day. I was getting mixed reactions. I think he realized that the gameplay in the games are quite solid, but the lack of any sort of plot to speak of and the overwhelming cuteness seem to be turning him off. If so, that's fine. I like cute, though.
So I've realized my little "Moleskine" (in quotation marks because it's the same damn thing, but an off brand, which saved me a solid 6 dollars, and I am not ashamed, although I do wish it was reporter-style, actually) notebook has become my "work out puzzles and stuff in video games" notebook. Which is fine, at least I'm using it for something. But I've been drawing crude maps all over in it... it's kinda neat. I used it to find Baron Von Ratsworth in the Typical Tavern... which reminds me...
I totally beat Kingdom of Loathing for the first time. Here is some proof. YAY! I chose Expert Panhandling as my permanent skill, like I was planning. Nothing like getting 10% more meat for the rest of my time playing the game. I decided to become an Accordian Thief for this ascention. It's basically Thief mixed with Bard. Which is cool. I like bard, and there's nothing wrong with being able to pickpocket stuff. I went out of my way and got a Rock and Roll Legend so my buffs will last longer. The problem is, as I think about it, I can't decide what I'm going to make permanent. All the skills are buffs, and I can't get Torso Awaregness this ascention because I'm under a Mysticality sign, to hopefully help my dietary path (I decided to do Teetotaler as well)... hmm... Maybe the buff that lowers combat encounters, so I can just get on with it and ascend if need be? I dunno. I got a long ways to go, though with my Mini-storage full of my old items, I have been moving along a whole lot faster.
So, looking ahead in my game purchases, next month is going to bring me two, Etrian Odyssey and Odin Sphere. Maybe Odin Sphere. I'm still on the edge about that one. Etrian Odyssey is not an option though. Console games I have to think about, have to wonder if I'm going to play them enough to be worth it. Portable games, I almost definately am. But anyway, Etrian Odyssey is a dungeon hack game, where you put together parties of three, I think, and go dungeon crawling. It's not easy stuff. It's old school. But you have lots of character building and customization, and the cool thing they do is, the bottom screen is a piece of graph paper. It changes the color of squares to indicate rooms you've walked into, but that's it. Everything else you'd want on your map, like locations of savepoints, possible exits from the rooms, perhaps where the boss is hiding, you have to draw in yourself. I think this is a great idea for the kind of rougelike game that it is. I can't wait.
Well, okay, I can. I have Pokemon.
Yay, Pokemon!
Posted by poetfox at April 26, 2007 10:46 AM
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