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April 21, 2007
For some reason, all merchants are pigs, smoking a cigarette.
LAPTOP UPDATE: It was a fluke. Awww. I might still try installing Fiesty Fawn, though, and hoping it's a freak driver issue... even though it's fairly definate it isn't.
So I totally beat Super Paper Mario. It's still awesome. A little short, I suppose. You might want to wait until it drops to 30 bucks. It's definately worth 30. 50 is more for me, who is a very crazy fan of the whole series. But it won't disappoint, if the idea behind it appeals.
Right after I beat it, though, I bought Dragon's Curse on Virtual Console. It's pretty good! It's very much a precursor to say, a recent 2D Metroid. I'm enjoying it. I guess I need to hope to beat it tommorow, though, seeing as Pokemon comes out Sunday... but then again, I am kinda close. Two more main dungeons, I think... one with the Tiger-Man, and one with the Hawk-Man. But still, definately worth the 6 bucks I spent. I do wish a third button could have been added. I want a button for Magic. Pressing Down + Jump to do Magic is pretty icky. Castlevania's Up + Attack is a lot more... convienient, although, you know, a button for subweapons is better than that, too.
Anyway, Sunday is NOT ONLY the release of Pokemon, but also the Prerelease Tourney! I'm going with Spaeth. And we're going to be in St. Louis. And do you know what's showing in St. Louis? HOT FUZZ. So after we lose the tourney, we're going to go watch Hot Fuzz before going home. Add in the fact that I'm going to eat at Jack in the Box, and it's going to be a good fucking day, hell yes.
Also, I hope to gods Brer figures out his sleep thing. I don't know what I can do to help... I want to help. I want him to sleep. I want him to be happy. Mm...
Anyway, I suppose I should get to bed... yeah... that's the ticket...
Posted by poetfox at April 21, 2007 12:48 AM
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