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April 02, 2007

ext-via draws these like... half-animal half-mecha things that are pure cuteness.

What's on tap for this week? Classes, work, new shoe purchases, Puzzle Quest and Chocobo's Magic Picture Book, Memorial podcasts for Joe Murphy, and working on Role-Playing. Yeah.

I keep actually writing another page or two of Role-Playing every once and awhile. It's encouraging. It's fine if I don't pound it out, as long as I keep working on it. The first arc is called "Set Construction" and I THINK it's going to be four Chapters... episodes... I dunno what to call them. First Chapter is done, and called "It Can't Be You." It's pretty short. Second is still being worked on, although almost done. It's called "An Offer." Third one will probably be "A Demonstration." Fourth, I dunno yet.
I introduced a character in Chapter 1 that I currently have no plans to revisit, and I wonder if the reader is going to be confused by that, because Chapter 1 is told from his perspective. But I wanted an outside source to try to give a view of Rebecca from the outside before we got into her head...

Man, I love ext-via's art, but it's so... loli sometimes. Damn if that isn't the most hardcore Klonoa ever, though.

What else is going on... oh, I put up some ebay auctions. No bids yet, but I know how ebay auctions work. Everything happens during the last day, and I put them up for 7 days. So I'm not worried yet. Even if none of them sell, it's only going to cost me 5 bucks, so... it's an experiment. I'll hope for the best.

So Brer got me these chocolates in this badass wooden box that I need to find another use for... but yeah, it has this like chocolate map/geneology in it to identify what chocolate you're about it eat. It's like "Here is the Filled Cremes family, and here is the Shaped Chocolate familiy, and if you pick one near the border, it's probably a shaped chocolate filled with creme!" It's intense. Assorted Chocolates may be too intense for me.

I guess I'll go activate my new debit card and such... no, I should wait until after the ebay auctions, to avoid possible retarded complications. In any case, I'm still done blogging. So there.

Posted by poetfox at April 2, 2007 09:51 AM


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