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April 30, 2007
Did I mention I was Magican of the Millenium?
David Copperfield really thinks highly of himself.
That's basically what I got out of his show. Not only did, waiting for the show, the screens show nothing but a rolling list of his accomplishments, before the show actually started there was a film introducing him listing similar things, and then, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOW, there was a video talking about how world-renowned he was and how he helps kids. We've already paid you, David. 50 dollars, in fact. Get with the magic making. Add to all that that all of his tricks involved attempting to invoke awwwwwws from the audience and senimental lovey dovey feelings, and you can color me not impressed. I want to be impressed with your magic, not with the fact that you're Magic reunited a daughter and her father, which was obviously faked for the show.
Anyway, that's my thoughts on David Copperfield. The Grandparents seemed to enjoy it, though, and that was the important part.
Thoughts on other things now... Wolves, the latest Fables trade. It could have been longer, sure. Bigby could have spent more time kicking ass and taking names. But unless Essner, I didn't feel gypped in the least. Nothing the characters did seemed wrong, and that's all I ask for. Even if they were wanting to get the hell past the Bigby/Snow thing and move on to other characters, at least they still treated them with respect and logic when doing so.
What else... Catan is this Wednesday. That's exciting. Um... yeah. I guess that's it for now.
Posted by poetfox at April 30, 2007 01:13 PM
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