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April 18, 2007

Apparently Jonathan likes Scrubs? I'm still unimpressed by it.

Well, I made my decision. My want to use Misdrevious combined with pink coloration and what I think is a cooler legendary means I have decided on Pearl for this Pokemon generation. With TheSL being awesome and getting me a Vulpix Egg for near the beginning of the game, I should be set! So far my party is looking to consist of Wobuffet, Ninetales, Lucario, Misdrevious (or it's new evolved form), Leafeon, and Glaceon. I gotta think of good names for those two Eevee Evolutions. Dryad is the obvious one for Leafeon, but I'm already using Undine for Vaporeon... hmm... but yeah, that's a pretty balanced party... no Psychic, though... (Okay, Wobuffet is Psychic, but like that really matters.)

Death Note is still pretty awesome. That is all I have to say about that.

So work is making me work a 6 in the morning to 2 shift not this Saturday but next. I left them a note saying "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Well, more nicely worded, but that was basically the jist. I like working. It makes me feel useful. But I'm not desperate enough to put up with that, be even more sleepless and energyless, and be depressed because of it. Fuck that. I'll work this shift, but no more, I say!

Fuck, there's no flyer in that party up there. I'll have to rethink my plan.

Oh, and Future Sight Prerelease with Spaeth is go! I'm excited. I should check up on Preview cards...

Okay, gotta go...

Posted by poetfox at April 18, 2007 09:39 AM


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