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March 29, 2007
This is a new blog post I am writing.
My mood has and continues to crash and burn this week. It's pretty shitty of me, being all broken like I am. But maybe I'm starting to recover... last night I was pretty... bleh. Hopefully that was the low point, and I'll start swinging back up. You never know.
So since last I blogged I bought two DS games at Target's slight DS game sale, so I'll talk about them real quick.
First is Kirby Squeak Squad. Have you played a Kirby Platformer? Then you know what this game his. I consider that a good thing. I like Kirby. Hell, I bought Kirby's Adventure on the VC as well. It's amazing how little the series has changed since then, but how purely fun it still is.
The second game is Custom Robo: Arena. It's like a super-chibi Virtua-On with a pointlessly wordy and annoying story mode and online play. The combat itself is pretty fun, although the compy is starting to get really cheap. But at least once I lose a couple times, it gives me the option of taking the easy way out and lowering my opponent's max HP. I need to play it online some sometime. I am annoyed that I can't pick a female main character for the stupid story mode. There's no reason at all why I have to be a guy, it's just shitty. I do like, however, the diorama thing. You sorta get these little sets and pose your robot, and before you fight someone, they see your robot in the little scene you set up. That's pretty neat.
I wrote a chapter of Role-Playing, and the start of another. I also went and found a great pod-safe theme song for the thing. Once my mood recovers a bit more, I'm going to try to get the entire first arc in the can, writing-wise, and then give recording it a try. I don't know how good I'm going to be able to do the voices. I know I can do Rebecca, but doing enough voices for the other characters? I dunno. We'll see. I'll also need to set up a website and stuff, I suppose. But that'll be later, after I have something to put there. I should just focus on creating it for now.
Posted by poetfox at March 29, 2007 09:59 AM
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