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March 12, 2007

'sup my young parsons! I too am so on the go that I eat my yogurt from a tube!

I'm playing Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Everything you've heard is true, if what you've heard is that it's a great game, only held back by their attempts to use the touch screen, which suck and are annoying. But yeah, I'm blazing through it. I'm kinda suprised. Apparently, once I hit a certain level-point, so as to have a decent buffer of HP, I'm not TOO terrible at Castlevanias. I hope that this will carry over to Portrait of Ruin, which I hear is alright, but not as good because of regoing through areas multiple times. Oh well. I'll kick ass anyway.

What else... I saw 300. It has fighting, stabbing, decapatation, and breasts. So, you know, it like... filled all the action movie food groups. Or something. It was exactly what I thought it would be. If you like action movies, you will probably like it.

You know, I thought of a good title for the whole "Tailrazor" story/world that has been kicking around in my head. How's this for a title: "Role-Playing." It invokes the video-gamey themes of the story, and also ties into Tailrazor's character pretty well.
I listened driving to and from class the end of Mur Lafferty's second season of her little story called Heaven. (I stand by my suggestion for the title, "Endings." It works on many levels.) It made me think about her whole process. She started the thing just to screw around. She never had a really defined plan, she made random decisions as it suited her and didn't worry about it, and now she has a novel-length work and it was pretty good. I should do that. I should just start a tale in a wide open world like that, give myself a deadline of sorts, be it weekly or biweekly or whatever, and just DO IT. Not worry about how this or that sounds, or if that ties into this... just do it. Role-playing fits perfectly for that role, honestly. It's a defined in my head, but open-ended world. I have ideas for over-reaching plots (the relationship between her and Grace, the whole "Euphoria" issue... yeah), but not for individual stories. I should do it. Maybe podcast it too, since that's my inspiration. That way I can put boss battle music behind the fight scenes, which would be nice... I had also developed all this for my nevergonnahappen Flash Games site idea, Sapphire City Games, as sort of an episodic string of homages to various games (One episode, all the battles would look like Final Fantasy, another, Mario and Luigi, another, Final Fight...), but that has even less chance of happening, really... this, this could work. I should do it.

But you know how me and projects work out. Speaking of which, I have a presentation I need to do for tommorow.

Posted by poetfox at March 12, 2007 03:55 PM


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